Our professional technicians are ready and trained to repair your garage door. Have
twisted cables, broken springs, loose or broken hinges? Our friendly technicians have you covered with
everything related to your garage door. With your garage door being the largest moving object in your
home, it is important to regularly have it checked to ensure that it is properly working to avoid any
dangerous situations. Not only can a misaligned garage damage your home or property such as cars, but it
can also pose a hazard to your family when it is closing with dangerous down force. Performing regular
maintenance inspections on your garage door system will make sure nothing is hurt or damaged, and that
your garage door lasts for its intended lifetime.
There are a lot of parts to a garage door, and they are all important. If one or more
of them have problems, it might not just cause it to work below standard, but completely break the
garage door. The garage door springs can break or dislodge. You could have problems with your garage
door openers. You might have a faulty or broken garage door transmitter or receiver. The panels may be
out of place or bent where you will need a replacement and you can count on Our Garage
Door to take care of this for you.We are aware of just about every problem that you will
experience with garage doors, and will be able to remedy your situation. We can work on metal, wooden,
steel, vinyl and any other type of door and, we'll be there to offer suggestions and show where you may
need upgrades in systems or hardware, as well as provide sales of new doors.